Hello! Last week, World Economic Forum on East Asia 2011 was held in Jakarta. And I worked there as a student volunteer along with the other students from UI. It was really a great experience to be the part of the committee of World Economic Forum on East Asia 2011. I worked there as external staff (student back-up who in charge in transportation team, along with Mbak Savirra). Our job was little bit more like Liaison Officer who were in charge at the airport. It was really a new experience for me to deal with bureaucracy at the airport from the immigrations to the customs. Not to mention, we also met a lot of new people which were really enlightening. For me it was quite a new experience to deal with all of this stuffs.

Thanks for my partner, Mbak Savirra for all of the help during the work. Yeah we rock the airport! Nothing's more challenging than this! ;)

A huge thanks for Andy Cui who had helped us during the event. Also thanks to Danielle Boiston and Jean-Loup Denereaz for all of the help and assistance. I'm so gonna miss the moment I worked at this event. I'm so gonna miss Andy, Danielle and Jean-Loup. Hope to see you again in the future, amazing people! :D
