everything just started in 1st september 2008. when i came to

but it was just okay.since boby said that it would be the closing of his carier (i hope so )..ahahahah...
okay.then i met my LO..she was Dasha..she was really kind and care to us..hmm..actually..my LO supposed to be ryan a.k.a joker( the LO of smansa tangerang b) but there's some misunderstanding between both of them..so my LO changed into Dasha..
oh ya..im gonna introduce the participant name first..in sman 1 tangerang a..we have me (monica), vera, paula, and yogi (the bitchest guy ever as trainee adju..ahahaha) and in team b we have elsa,nurul,fina,and mikhael as trainee adju)
going to the 1st day..
there were only 2 round which were mock round and 1st pre-eliminary one..in mock round i faced smmak penabur gs..with semi impromptu motion(gosh, i really hate those motions) which stated that THW distribute condom freely in school..yea..there was nothing significant problem here.we've been adjudicated by BONG (binus coach) and thanks GOD..we won it as clear debate. then i was so surprised but thanked GOD again seeing my team position in top 5.then in the 1st pre-eliminary round.i faced 78 with the motion THW grant kurdish a sovereignity homeland (DARN! it was really sucks..come on! it's high schul debate..should the motion for varsity level??ahahah) and the debate was really confusing..since our opposition didnt really get our point and they just like challenged our definition without stated it clearly. this round was adjudicated by paula,wufa,and alvin.but thank GOD..again we won this round.two of 'em admited it as clear debate but one'em said that it was a close debate.
but the problem happened on the next day.which was we have to face insan cendekia in the 2nd elim.again and again the motion was semi impromptu.and again we were being the affirmative (it was really sucks,wasn't it?). they challenged our definitions.we didnt 100% followed it. we responsed their case but still explained our own case.silly i lose in this round.erry gave the winning to insan cendekia because we didnt explain why do our definition is more valid in case to be debated.but he said that we were good on our case.
dissapointed,yess.we fell down to the 13th rank.then we have to face saint peter.with motion semi impromptu again (shit!) and we were being the affirmative (again) ahahaha.. the motion was about whether is it justifiable or not to allow gay and lesbian in military force..teddy gave the winnin to our team as a close debate.thank GOD anyway.oh ya..1st speaker from st.peter (elvira) was really similar with cha2..ahahah..
and the last round on that day..we fighted with pembangunan jaya. it has been almost 6pm but we still have to debate, make argument,and rebutt each other..what a really exhausting day.. but it was a silent round.we couldnt now the result whether we won or not. we had to wait till tommorow.
next day.thankGOD..i beaten pembangunan jaya clearly.it made we could go to 6th rank.then we faces tarki 2 which consist of au jong, el, and darwin..but i, vera, and paula prayed and we believed that we could o our best.and yea..i really satisfied with the result.even i dint win but at least i could do the best and made it as a close debate.and going to the announcement of 16th breaking teams. huff..it really made my heart beat so fast..ahahaha(exaggeration)..but thank OD again we could break as the 8th rank.and in octofinal we had to face sman 1 pontianak. i really love this round.since the adjudicator oftenly said "hear2!" when i delivered my speech in front..hoho.. thanks GOD again..we won this round.
and going to the hardest round in that competition. in quarter i had to face canisius college which consist of boby,stef,and verry..they are the 3rd grade debater and champion of alsa.that create the stereotypeofmylife that i would never beat them..with sex icon motion and as affirmative again..then i failed to make it trough the semifinal.. :( (i said it as final yang kepagian) ahahaha.. but at least the desicion was split 5 to 2..yea. i proven that our case was not that sucks as i imagined before)..ahahahhaah....
LOSE with DIGNITY (that's what vera said..and i agree it..ahaha)
eventough i didnt win at least i still could unleash my potential trough it)
1.GOD (for HIS bless..so i could walk as fas as these..i'm nothing without u)
2.my parents (thanks for supporting and praying me,mom and dad)
3.my teammate (vera :thanks for being the invisible definer, and paula : thanks for being the 1st speaker mostly, yogi : thanks for replacing kasih here :))
4. my coaches (edwin and ninit) : thanks thanks thanks anyway..sorry we couldnt make it to the grand final..hehehe..but i will make it in other chance)
5.my LO :dasha and ryan (are u guys have a special affair? admit it honestly..ahahaha)
6.every participants : nice to know u and glad to have such a good debate with u all)
7.every adjudicators : thanks for the asessment.it means a lot for developin my skill in debating)
8.every commitees : salute to u all!!

hehe~ gag kok kak, aku lg sbel ajh sma 1 org, soalnya yaa gtu dh, pas kmaren" baikk trus skarng mlah kya cuek gtu..
tpi kk jngn blang" yaa, soalnya kk psti tw org nya..
tpi ya udda lahh, mgkn emng dya nya lg jtek ajh kli yaa.. :)
at least lose with dignity.. haha..
visit my blog: vheishere.blogspot.com