There's someone named Monica. She's an ordinary high schooler with a bunch of unordinary duties. As a student, a debater, a head project of english party, a creativitor in ppkr, and the part of retreat comittee.
Now,she is really messed up and tired towards all of her duties. She has problem with her time management, she can't even prioritize the one since she believes that all of these are same important for her. She can't focuse on the one then neglect the others. She has to finished all of these punctually, no mistake, no failure, in her limited power,due to her health, menthal stability and financial funding (due to debate regis fee).
These are worsen by the teachers who gave a ton of assesments, a truck of daily tests, and a buldozer of homeworks. Seems like they are competing each other,who gave the most assesments and MOST OUT OF CONTEXT block test will be the champion of THE MOST KILLER TEACHER INTERNATIONAL KILLING STUDENTS SCHOOL. hear-hear (flat intonation).
Debate is the next stuff making her both stressed out but cheer me up at a time. Well,actually she'd love it like crazy. But there comes time when no one wants to practice and ignores it and this fuckingly makes me so damned crazy.because she is holding the whole responsibility towards de la costa.and she is the first one to be blamed for something wrong happened inside this debate club.whereas she still has a responsibility for representing Banten in ISDC. It is about 38 days more to go, does she still have no any significant practicing time with her two others teammate.
English party does spend almost of her time. Looking for the headmaster and teacher for getting their signature obviously isn't such an easy thing to be done. Managing the other comittee to do their job punctually also isn't that easy like i've expected before. Then,now she's looking for the sponsorships who want to fund this event. Oh Jesus bless me to face these..
PPKr.a Christian organization at smanitra does need implementation of her commitment she had made before. Designing and making 126 invitations are her weekly duty towards PPKr.
Well,she's pretty busy rite now.she does really need breaking time but she cudn't has it anyway.
I believe that Jesus will make her able holding these.AMEN.
Now,she is really messed up and tired towards all of her duties. She has problem with her time management, she can't even prioritize the one since she believes that all of these are same important for her. She can't focuse on the one then neglect the others. She has to finished all of these punctually, no mistake, no failure, in her limited power,due to her health, menthal stability and financial funding (due to debate regis fee).
These are worsen by the teachers who gave a ton of assesments, a truck of daily tests, and a buldozer of homeworks. Seems like they are competing each other,who gave the most assesments and MOST OUT OF CONTEXT block test will be the champion of THE MOST KILLER TEACHER INTERNATIONAL KILLING STUDENTS SCHOOL. hear-hear (flat intonation).
Debate is the next stuff making her both stressed out but cheer me up at a time. Well,actually she'd love it like crazy. But there comes time when no one wants to practice and ignores it and this fuckingly makes me so damned crazy.because she is holding the whole responsibility towards de la costa.and she is the first one to be blamed for something wrong happened inside this debate club.whereas she still has a responsibility for representing Banten in ISDC. It is about 38 days more to go, does she still have no any significant practicing time with her two others teammate.
English party does spend almost of her time. Looking for the headmaster and teacher for getting their signature obviously isn't such an easy thing to be done. Managing the other comittee to do their job punctually also isn't that easy like i've expected before. Then,now she's looking for the sponsorships who want to fund this event. Oh Jesus bless me to face these..
PPKr.a Christian organization at smanitra does need implementation of her commitment she had made before. Designing and making 126 invitations are her weekly duty towards PPKr.
Well,she's pretty busy rite now.she does really need breaking time but she cudn't has it anyway.
I believe that Jesus will make her able holding these.AMEN.