Gimme break,please....

I have no more spare time for these days. Well, i'm really aiming this....
The thing that i called as "spare time"

I spend most of my days towards those assignments,homework,test preparation,and so does with English Party.

Like I have no any time to do something that i'd hell yeah love to do, like watching movie, or even just to read a novel that has been given by Danyos.

I spend my time to study. Math, Physic, Chemical, Bio as the main thing. And Japanese, history, bahasa as the trivial ones.

Not only that. English Party 2009 is the hardest thing that suppost to be given an extra attention. You know, head project is tail project. You wont be boss, you will be maid.

Also, my duty as the creativity section for PPKr. Each week, i and the three others of this division supposed to make 124 invitations. I honestly am feeling so tired.

It is worsen by the place that i'm takin' course. One of the teacher forces me all the time and also does some phsycology enforcement towards me.

Oh no, i need spare time. Just gimme break!
